Simplicity of Love

Simplicity of Love


A 9 week magical immersion into SILENCE, into LOVE, into being who you came here to be. 



A unique expression of love

It is simple.

No one else smiles like you.

No one else dances like you.

No one else loves like you.

No one else can be you.

Will you honour who you are, why you are here, and why you are here at this particular moment?

Will you play your part in the deep remembering and the soft birthing of what is to come? 

Simplicity of Love



 Invitation 1: The Call of Love

Invitation 2: Being and Becoming

Invitation 3: Sacred Union



Invitation 4: Simplicity of Healing

Invitation 5: Devotion, Reverence and Sacred Intention

Invitation 6: Embodying Mystery, Magic and Miracles



Invitation 7: Sacred Purpose, Sacred Expression

Invitation 8: Your life as a living Prayer

Invitation 9: What does Love look like? Love looks like you.


 Meeting in the stillness, in the silence, the limitless ground of your being.

 Doorway to grace, a natural opening, awakening, remembering. 

Alchemy of Love, where all may be restored to its pristine origins.

Connecting to your depths, the unfathomable, the infinite, the sacred.

STRENGTHENING inner stability 

Beginning 8th February 2025. An online programme for women. Held in an intentional field of stillness and space of Love.

Themes woven together with silent gatherings, video invitations, audios to download and keep, guided healing practices and meditations, opportunities to share your reflections and discoveries and celebrate the beauty of the natural world.

Being in Community amplifies the healing and transformation possible. Being together offers more magic and mystery than we shall ever know.

Two OPTIONS: self-guided, self-paced engagement, or with personal weekly support in a small circle (4-6 members) with a Simplicity of Love Mentor.


 What if creation was a big breath, not a big bang?

 What if Love breathed you into being? And is still breathing you in every moment.

What if within each breath you are breathing the mountains and oceans, the stars and planets, the bees and butterflies…?

Simplicity of Love




Access to all the materials, plus audio recordings to download and keep.


£50 when you register

Option to pay the balance in a single payment, or in 3, 6 or 12 month instalments.

For example: £600 x 1, £200 x 3, £100 x 6, £50 x 12




Same programme materials, plus personal support and more intimate connection with other participants. 

A small circle online each week, hosted by a Simplicity of Love Mentor, 4-6 members. 

Invitation to larger community Circles when they are held (probably 3 times during the programme).


£50 when you register

Option to pay the balance in a single payment, or in 3, 6 or 12 month instalments.

For example: £900 x 1, £300 x 3, £150 x 6, £75 x 12


Once you have registered, you will be asked WHICH OPTION you prefer and which payment plan.

DATES: 8th February - 12th April 2025

Simplicity of Love


A 9 week magical immersion into SILENCE, into LOVE, into being who you came here to be.



OPTION 1 - £650

OPTION 2 with personal support - £950



Once you have registered, you will be asked WHICH OPTION you prefer and which payment plan.

LOVE is who you came to be



May you let Love lead you by the hand whispering her dreams upon your heart.


May the breath of creation be your breath as those dreams are born into the world.


May the golden key of Love's own love for you open you to the luminous, the eternal and the truth. May you live and lead as that.


Ann bromley

I am a spiritual teacher and mentor living in the UK and serving a global community of women committed to living their highest purpose.

I feel passionate about the Sacred leading. I see this as the evolutionary shift of our time and the third stage of spiritual awakening. Restoring inner wholeness. Returning to Love.

I am known for the devotional and magical spaces I create, where healing and transformation frequently happen spontaneously.

The teachings I offer are born out of my personal healing and spiritual practice. My own ‘teachers’ have included illness, long term relationship, my connection with the natural world, and my role for over 30 years as a spiritual mentor.